Gilna Opticians Store

Gilna Opticians IFSC Branch

Gilna Opticians IFSC branch is located in the heart of the IFSC.

Right in the middle of Mayor Square, we opened our 2nd shop in 2006.

Being a 15 minute walk from O’Connell bridge or a short ride on the Luas, our IFSC branch is easily accessible from the City centre.

In our IFSC store we work with a lot of companies in the area to provide corporate eye tests and discounted rates on frames.

If your company does not work with us yet, we’d love to hear from you!

Contact Kathy in store for more information.

If you would like to contact us at our IFSC store you can call us on 01-791-8891 or email us at [email protected]

Our opening times are:  Monday-Friday 10:00 – 5:30

“Excellent staff and service. They are always prompt, professional and very respectful. They are a boutique shop and their service is very personalized. I highly recommend them.”


31 Thomas St.

Dublin 8


[email protected]

Mayor Square


Dublin 1


[email protected]

2c Vernon Avenue


Dublin 3


[email protected]